One Mission, One Vision, One Community
Mt. Tabor History
Explore the History of Mount Tabor United Methodist Church
Mt. Tabor Church was founded over one hundred years ago on the same acreage as now sits the present facility. The first church was simply a gathering to worship under a brush arbor.
Its history includes the names of the Daniel Dodson, Minerva Dodson Caldwell, Minor Morgan Hall and Alonzo Hinton families. Daniel Dodson, although a slave, could read and write and was a property owner. He was the organizer of the Church and served as local preacher.
Mt. Tabor in its earliest days was both a religious and educational institution. Daniel Dodson and Minerva Dodson Caldwell (his housekeeper) were very knowledgeable about the Bible and helped train young ministers. Several aspiring ministers from Bennett College practiced under them. Daniel Dodson died January 25, 1916, and upon his death, the Lax Family took Minerva into their home until her death.
The land for the Church/School was donated by a resident of the area, Emsley Armfield. Mr. Armfield owned three slaves – Brant, Lyndon and Hannah – each of whom used the surname of Armfield. When these slaves were freed, they refused to leave the Armfield home but stayed and were dutiful worshipers at Mt. Tabor Church. When Mr. Armfield died, his daughter, Roxie, the cornerstone when the Church was remodeled under the pastorate of Rev. J.W. Simpson.
Rev. Simpson also gave the leadership for building the new school. The Rosenwald Foundation agreed to build the School, if the people of the community would furnish the land and framing. Andy Gregory and John Kinley gave and sawed the timber to build. On February 7, 1920, the Red Hill and Mt. Tabor Burial Ground Committee deeded to the Board of Education one-half acre of land for the school. When Rena Bullock School was built, Rev. R.W. Winchester went to the Board of Education and had the property deeded back to the Church. The trustees responsible for the Church during that period were Will Lax, Andy Gregory, Isaac Tonkins, Charlie Noble and Ed Crump.
Rev. John Simpson was responsible for an aggressive phase of the Church’s building program. Starting in 1935. His trustees were Arthur Crump, Dolphus Brooks, Dick Mebane, Elmer Branch, Oscar Crutchfield, Ed Barnes and Helen Roberts.
The present sanctuary was completed in 1953 under the pastorate of Rev. P.I. Wells, with Rev. G.M. Phelps (later to serve as pastor) serving as District Superintendent. Trustees with Rev. Wells were Arthur Crump, Richard Mebane, Raymond Maxwell, Lee Brown, Elmer Branch and Willie Mebane.
It is a tribute to the members of yesteryears that their children and grandchildren are still playing very active roles in the programs of Mt. Tabor Church.
The Church has been served by the following Pastors: Frank Allen, Daniel Dodson, Rev. Gibson, Rev. Ship, John Jones, M.M. Jones, George Byers, Robert Herbin, Rev. Abernathey, A.M. Erwin, Rev. McGown, P.A. Taylor, J.W. Simpson, Dr. A.S. Peeler, R.A. McCallum, G.M. Phelps, David Harkness, Lawrence Johnson, Liston Sellers, Jr., Avery Robinson, John A. Moore, Clarence A. Smith, Jr., Glenn L. Lyles, Moses E. Hodnett, Belvin Jessup, Sharon Adams, Rev. Larry E. Fitzgerald and presently the Rev. Ellis K. Carson.
We are extremely proud of our rich, colorful history and the traditions started over one-hundred years ago. However, the story of Mt. Tabor is not found entirely in the events of the past and present. Ours is a continuing story and it is being written every day by the many dedicated people who live a life of Christian example and service.